Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 413

Chapter 413


Chapter 413: She Knows She Was Wrong


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Gu Zi turned her head to glance at her second child, noticing the toothpaste stain still lingering around his mouth. She gently wiped it off with a tissue, remarking, You really love these fried dough sticks, dont you? Alright, Ill pack some for you.

With that, Gu Zi fetched two lunch boxes and filled them with the fried dough sticks, intending for her eldest and second child to take them for lunch. Anticipating that her second child might want to share some with his classmates, she purposefully packed an extra two for him.

Her second child, treated with such tender care by his mother, was grinning from ear to ear. After his mother handed him the lunch boxes, he took them, expressing his gratitude with a cheerful Thanks, Mom! before scampering off to the living room. His bashful demeanor brought laughter to both Gu Zi and Li


The Su familys breakfast that day was lively. Lin Cheng and Li Hua deeply felt that their sister and brother-in-law treated them as their own family. It really warmed their hearts. Lin Cheng, not one for sweet talk, silently vowed to work hard for his brother-in-law, determined not to let his sister and brother-in-laws kindness go in vain.

Su Shen drove the whole family into the city, first dropping off the eldest and second child at school before heading to the hospital.

Su Shen sought out Papa Lins primary physician for a discussion. The doctor gave many points to note for the journey home, Essentially, these are the main points. You can come back for a check-up two weeks after discharge. If there are no issues, the cast can be removed then.

Su Shen nodded in understanding, standing up to express his gratitude with a simple, Thank you for your hard work.

Gu Zi, who had come to find him, witnessed this and couldnt help but admire the mans decorum. He was a gentleman who never disappointed when it mattered, a man of refinement and courtesy. Su Shen was indeed such a man.

Back in the hospital ward, Mother Lin and Li Hua were packing up, preparing for discharge. Papa Lin sat at the edge of the bed, attempting to put some weight on his foot. Thanks to the excellent treatment at the hospital, he felt confident that his foot was saved and he wouldnt be left with a limp.

Upon seeing this, Li Hua rushed over to assist him, advising, Dad, dont try to stand yet. The doctor said you should wait a bit longer before putting weight on it. When Lin Cheng comes back with the medicine, let him carry you down

As Li Hua was speaking, someone arrived at the door. Given that the hospital room door was ajar, the two newcomers let themselves in. Li Hua was taken aback upon seeing them. Why had they come?

They were no longer the picture of vitality they once were. Both had lost considerable weight, and their attire lacked the meticulousness it once held. Now, they would likely go unnoticed in a crowd.

Upon hearing the commotion, Mother Lin and father lifted their heads to see Gu Shan and Zhang Mei, a flicker of surprise crossing their eyes.

Upon noticing the items in their hands, Mother Lin quickly understood their intentions. However, she didnt voice her thoughts, instead asking in a casual tone, What brings you two here?

Gu Shan and Zhang Mei felt a flush of embarrassment at the surprised glances and the radiant faces of the family. How unpredictable life was. They had once looked down on the Lin family for their poverty, avoiding contact as much as possible. They had only visited the Lins because of Lin Miaos household registration.

Yet now, they were the ones down on their luck, while the Lin family seemed to be enjoying a turn of good fortune. This stark contrast between their past and present circumstances was a bitter pill to swallow for Gu Shan and Zhang Mei.

However, there was no use dwelling on this now. For Lin Miaos sake, they had to swallow their pride and speak kindly to the Lin family. This was the most difficult part.

Finally, Gu Shan mustered the courage to speak first, pleading, Please, Lin Miaos adoptive parents, help her. Shes been having a hard time in the detention center, unable to eat, filled with remorse. She keeps saying shes let you down, that she knows she was wrong

As Gu Shan began, Zhang Mei placed the gifts in front of the Lin family, chiming in, Yes, please help her. Shes still a good child who can learn from her mistakes, right? Shes still so young. If she ends up in prison, her future will be ruined, wont it?

Please, speak to Gu Zi on her behalf. If Gu Zi agrees to help, Lin Miao will be saved. After all, the incident from years ago was a mistake made by both our families

The couples pleas were filled with tears and desperation, like a rehearsed duet. However, Mother Lin wondered if they were being naive. The mix-up with the children years ago was indeed a mistake caused by both families negligence, but was it directly related to Lin Miaos theft?

In the end, Lin Miao had fallen victim to her own greed and vanity. It seemed not all city dwellers had a clear sense of right and wrong..

